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10 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

Home > Sydney > Free | Health and Fitness | Misc | Self Help
by Sheree (subscribe)
Published July 15th 2012
The most valuable life lesson that has impacted me is how important it is to take care of myself. I have personally experienced the effects of a family member who did not take care of themselves and worked hard most of his life missing out on his grandchildren, daughter's weddings, superannuation and retirement. He passed away at the young age of 57 forgoing his future for the busyness of his life.
Enjoy nature
Relax and take time out from the busyness of life.

Sometimes I think our minds are so focused on getting things done it channels our bodies to go, go, go, when really we need to rest and rejuvenate to be able to keep going. How do we take care of ourselves and what is the right amount of rest or balance for our physical body and mind?

The body is made up of three parts, our physical body, mind/soul and our spirit but when these parts are out of alignment things will start to play up. For instance if you keeping working and working and don't give your mind and body a rest you could experience the effects of sickness. Just like when I eat too much food and don't exercise or do a lot of movement I put on weight. If you keep working and working and do not rest your mind or body sooner or later it could react by becoming sick. It is saying to you enough, we are not super hero's and we need to take care of our whole body including our mind, physical body and spirit.

Just like when you go to a Medical Doctor or GP for your bodies physical health sometimes we also need to see people for our minds and our spiritual health as well. I think in this day and age we are so focused on the physical body we forget to take care of our mind and spiritual health. There is a stigma in our society if you need help for your mind or spirit you could be seen as weak or classed as mentally ill or even weird. When we don't feed all 3 the right ingredients we can become out of balance and affected in all 3 areas of our life.

Taking care of your whole body could help you to live a longer, healthier and happier life. With these 10 suggestions you could be on your way to more energy, vitality and peace. Don't wait for your retirement to enjoy life, make a change today after all that's why it's called the present because yesterday and tomorrow never come.

1. Before going to bed your mind needs to be at rest to get a good night's sleep. When we watch T.V., read, listen to music, play computer games or interact with the computer we are actually stimulating our mind and this can cause us to stay awake. Before going to bed why not take a hot shower and wash yourself with some lavender body gel or take a long hot soaking bath to relax your physical body and rest your mind so you can fall asleep easily.
Lavendar Shower Gel
Use lavendar shower gel to help your body relax before bed time.

2. Eat healthy and natural food like fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes to assist in detoxing or flushing out any preservatives in your body. Make sure you drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day to flush out the toxins in your system. If you abstain from drinking coffee, fizzy drinks or eating foods containing sugar you may notice you will get headaches for the first 1-2 days but these will pass. After doing this for a week you may find you will experience more energy and optimum health, you may not want to go back or decide to limit your intake of the foods you previously abstained from.
Enjoy fresh pieces of fruit instead of juice.

3. Take some time out from the busyness of life or the city and enjoy a country retreat with the family or go by yourself to the mountain. Check out some country escape ideas and locations by clicking here. For people with a belief in God you may find the following retreats suitable for you, your family or even chruch group. The Open Door Ministry is located on Mt Kanigan in Queensland, this retreat is affordable and a lovely place to get back to nature or avoid distractions for more information you can check out the brochure by clicking here. Eagle Mount is a free retreat to refresh your soul and enjoy the peace of God for more information click here.

4. Go for a walk and clear your mind without headphones and noise in your ears, leave your mobile phone at home, allow nature and your surroundings to relax your mind and body.

5. Haven't got time to enjoy life why not choose to work smarter not harder and let your fingers do the grocery shopping on-line with Coles. I have learnt to save time and money, avoid the traffic and the busyness of the shopping centre to enjoy more time for myself. This is also a great way to shop if you are trying to lose weight to help you avoid the temptation of buying all those delicious foods that pack on the weight.

6. If you would like spiritual healing you can visit the healing rooms for free, this is a not-profit organisation located in different places all around the world. Spiritual healing can be like a domino effect, you could also experience healing in the physical parts of your body and mind as well. For different locations within Australia, you can visit their website by clicking here or for international locations click on the International Healing Rooms website.

7. The mind is such a precious part of our body but often the most ignored. Our society can be so image focused we lose sight of what we truly need to take care of our bodies as a whole. If you are struggling with thoughts of depression or anxiety why not speak to someone about it so you can get help to take care of yourself. Lifebridge Counselling and other Centre's are there to help you, ask your GP for a referral that will suit your personal needs. There is also a free telephone line if you do not feel comfortable speaking to someone face to face you can phone Lifeline - 13 11 14, just remember you are not alone people are waiting to help you all you have to do is ask.

8. Help your relationships, friendships, marriage, parent skills or dating life by reading some books to help you grow and learn how to successfully experience victory in these areas. Check out some resources and tools by clicking here.
Boundaries in Dating
Educate yourself to help improve your relationships

9. Join a weight loss club or why not start your very own if you don't have one in your local community. There are plenty of people in the same vote as you and you don't need a lot of money to help support and motivate each other while you lose weight. Check out TOPIC by clicking here for inspiration to start your very own group within your local community.
TOPIC Weight Loss Club
Enjoy losing weight with support of the local community.

10. Why not try your hand at something different? Painting can be very relaxing and you don't have to be a Picasso. You can buy some low cost paint or canvases at your local cheap store for under $10, you will find it relaxing and it may even get your creative juices flowing.
Get your creative juices flowing, paint out of inspiration or should I say the things close to your heart.
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