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Watch the Sun Rise

Home > Brisbane > Fun Things To Do | Outdoor
Published February 11th 2011

One way to witness the great creation in which we live is to watch the sun rise. It is one of the most beautiful (and, I must say, romantic) natural sceneries. The ideal way to do this is, of course, with a few friends, family and/or your partner. My suggestion is to get together on the night before and hang out, i.e. a sleepover. Maybe pull an all-nighter if you are keen (the majority ends up sleeping a while after midnight though). I know it is pretty straightforward, but I'm going to lay down some steps:

1) Check on the internet at what time the sun rises in the current season. Some websites where you can do this: and
2) Set your alarm on an hour earlier before the dawn breaks. Maybe drink a cup of coffee, coke or whatever gets you up and running.
3) If your friends are still asleep, wake them up. This is a chance to maybe do some harmless pranks, like putting toothpaste in their hands and making them rub their nose.
4) Gear up. Depending on the season or country, it may be quite cold. So get some warm clothes and/or blanket. You may also want to bring a flashlight or a digital camera (don't forget your keys!).
5) Go to a good place to watch the sunrise, e.g. rooftop, hill.

Just one advice, when the sun is actually rising, take a moment of silence to appreciate it. I think it can boost your psychological state, adding value to your day, life and even relationships.

Also, don't bring your iPod or whatever MP3 you may have. I think appreciation of this natural phenomenon is emphasized when no music is playing. It is a bit harder to find a delightful place to watch the sun rise in the city, so whenever you go to a camp or country side, do take this opportunity to watch a day being born. It may be tricky for people that love sleeping in, but it would be just once; something worth it.
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Why? Witness the beauty of this world
When: Anytime
Where: Anywhere
Cost: It's pretty much minimal
Sounds divine. I do this whenever near an Ocean, even when cloudy. The best is when out in a boat, perhaps a decent sailboat, waianchor dropped or drifting...out of sight of land. When thatt huge pregnant pink hot red sun makes her slow appearance over the horizon blazing...dolphins playing alongside boat...waves gently slapping sides. of hull...cries of seabirds...perfect beauty and magick...GOD by whatever names...all is well in the World in that perfect timeless moment. Mountain sunrises, Mesa sunrises...sharing such with a friend, partner, loved one, lover, or stranger also appreciative met in passing, in a perfect reverent moment of truly, no words are needed...this, my friend, IS Religion. Which I would be honored to share with You. You Know. ---- Remember Me?
By Anonymous
Tuesday, 19th of July @ 09:50 am
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