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I think it sad that people opt for volunteering online instead of getting out in the community and making a PERSONAL difference to people. Contrary to what Judith says, you don't have to be an extrovert to volunteer in real life. I volunteer in a large private hospital in Brisbane and many of the other volunteers go quietly about their business effectively, but not in any way as extroverts. Part of volunteering is having a love and respect for others, many less fortunate than ourselves. Online volunteering removes the very personal aspect of helping others and making a difference in their lives. It only needs from a few hours a week. The rewards in dealing personally with people are many. Lets not cop out by becoming another social network like Facebook. Make some time from your lives to contribute personally. You will find you will get more out of it than you put in.
Bob Meadows
by meado (score: 0|9) 4135 days ago
by Mel (score: 0), 4129 days ago
Dear Bob,
You shouldnt think it is sad that people volunteer online, instead be pleased that there are people out there whom for whatever reason are unable to do so physically but still have the kindness of heart to actually want to volunteer. Online volunteering is a great option to allow even housebound people the opportunity to do something for the global community. If everyone had the same good spiritedness, the world would be a better place.