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Home > Sydney > Comments > Treat Yourself to a Facebook Detox
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I totally agree with you on this Social Networking Addiction. I recently went to Thailand for a month. NO FACEBOOK. NO TWITTER. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING AT ALL. Well, it took me about 14 days to detox. that is when I decided to get my life back. The next two weeks was so much fun. I even interacted with other humans, face to face.
by guyma (score: 1|26) 4063 days ago
by Vanessa de Largie (score: 3), 4062 days ago
Thanks for reading guyma! And thanks for sharing. It really is refreshing isn't it, to be back in the real world. I plan to do a similar thing later this year, with Vietnam tho, instead of Thailand. Regards, Vanessa.