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Total Lunar Eclipse

Home > Brisbane > Free | Fun Things To Do | Outdoor
by Vanessa M (subscribe)
I am always looking out for new experiences, wherever I may find myself.
The last eclipse I tried to see was obscured by clouds, so let's all hope for good weather for this one. It will be a total lunar eclipse and will happen on Wednesday October 8, during the evening, which means it should be relatively easy to watch.

As a total lunar eclipse, the event will entail the moon passes through the Earth's shadow, darkening and going a reddish colour. The fact it is a total eclipse means it is also a full moon on this night. This action will start at 7.17pm and go until 12.32am the next day, but the main eclipse will be from 9.27pm to 10.22pm.

If you want to see what the eclipse will look like, Sydney Observatory has a time lapse video of one from a few years ago posted here. Photos can be found here (these were taken at an event the Observatory held, so you might want to check back closer to the date to see if it will hold one again this time).

As the Sydney Observatory points out, lunar eclipses occur up to three times a year, or on an average of every eight months (these aren't all total eclipses though). If you, or all of us, miss out on this one there will be another on Saturday April 4 next year (perhaps there's something about that month, we had two eclipses during it this year).
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Why? See the moon turn red in the Earth's shadow
When: Wednesday October 8
Where: The Eastern side of Australia
Cost: Free
Your Comment
Alas the solar eclipse in March2015 will not be visible in Melbourne , rather in northern europe if you happen to be there. see,_2015
by mykl. (score: 0|2) 3177 days ago
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