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Haha, I didn't recognise you from your picture Paula. Aaaah, I went @ 10am, did you go on a later one?
by Dave Walsh (score: 4|11309) 3855 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3855 days ago
Thank you!

Maybe you could put one together in a way so it's not a duplicate? Write from a different angle perhaps?

Your images are usually absolutely brilliant, so why not check with an editor.

Night time would be *really* eerie wouldn't it?
by Paula McManus (score: 3), 3855 days ago
No probs at all! I was going to write an article, but I really dont think I could have put an article together as good as you have. Well done, really well written.
It was a great tour, I'd love to go back at night!
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3855 days ago
Ah ok. I wasn't with the group most of the time because I was trying to get pics without people, just as Sarah was lol. We bumped into each other a few times.

Sorry if I stole your thunder! Obviously we both had no idea.
by Paula McManus (score: 3), 3855 days ago
by Paula McManus (score: 3), 3855 days ago
I went on the 10am one, the same one as the lady and her son! The same one as you!

My profile pic was taken on a good hair day - I certainly didnt look like that yesterday. :)