Top Ways to Boost Your Mood

Top Ways to Boost Your Mood


Posted 2013-04-01 by Jemma Goodchildfollow

There is nothing worse than feeling a bit down in the dumps. But there are ways to combat a low mood and all of them are really easy and cost next to nothing. Here are 10 tips to improving your mood.

Tip 1
Listen to a great piece of uplifting music that you love. Have a bit of dance Ellen Degeneres style if that gets you going! Or read a book that inspires you the most. Remember - don't sweat the small stuff!

Tip 2
Look through some old photos that will make you laugh. No the 80's were not a good decade for fashion!

Tip 3
Fake it before you make it. Put on a happy face - smile at the first person you see. Smiling is infectious and soon you won't be faking it, you'll be making it!

Tip 4
Break out of your 'normal' routine every now and then. Drive a different route to work, lunch at a different spot. Say 'hi' to someone you wouldn't normally. Go to a movie you've been dying to see. Everything and anything that is a little bit different will break the monotony of you day or week and perhaps lift you out of that rut you've been holing up in.

Tip 5
Get out of the house. Yoga, Pilates and Meditation are all great ways to unwind or just go for a walk around the block. Sailing, biking, power walking - whatever floats your boat. Exercise and breathing are a great way to get those endorphins pumping.

Tip 6
Stop rethinking things over and over in your head. So you said a nasty word or you did something that made you feel embarrassed. Thinking obsessively or ruminating can really make you feel low. Divert your attention. Concentrate on your breathing whilst doing a simple task such as the dishes. Talk to a friend or loved one and express what you are feeling - let it out. The key is to not let things fester. Take your mind of things and your will feel yourself begin to relax.

Tip 7
Doing something for others is a great way to take the focus of yourself and make someone else feel good at the same time. Bake some brownies ( pre packages ones take no time at all) and take them to a neighbour you've been meaning to talk to. Volunteer your time. Throw out your old stuff and take it to the local Op - Shop. Take you dog for a walk. Compliment someone and mean it!

Tip 8
Do something you really enjoy doing whether it be cooking or gardening or sitting down and watching your favourite DVD with a friend or partner. Take time to smell the roses. In fact why not buy some flowers to brighten up no only the house but your mood! Light some candles or your oil burner, turn up the music. Don't you feel better already?

Tip 9
Find your passion and indulge it. Make time to do the projects you have been putting to one side. Hobbies are a great way to focus your attention on something you enjoy.

Tip 10
Be grateful. Whether you say five things you are grateful for before you go to bed or you keep a gratitude journal - this really works!

89996 - 2023-06-11 08:15:11


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