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You are indeed a mystic, Michaelie. This is the most hilarious and wittily written article I've seen for a long time, possibly ever. You had me laughing throughout, especially at your term "nudie no-no" (I wish I'd thought of it).

I laughed most at your last one - I love the concept of writing letters of complaints sans pants - maybe it's because in the dark, dark past it was my job to answer letters of complaint.
by Sue Williams (score: 2|847) 4234 days ago
by Michaelie Clark (score: 2), 4234 days ago
Ha! Since it was your job, I'm sure you didn't answer letters of complaint in the nude, but I wonder if you could tell which of those you received were written in that state? I imagine they would be quite cheeky... Sorry, couldn't resist!

Thanks for the compliments, Sue!