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Great article on South African food, but nothing on where the outlets for this food are available in Australia. For those who can't go to SA, it would be nice to know where to obtain these delicacies
by pammy (score: 1|35) 2428 days ago
by pammy (score: 1), 2428 days ago
Thanks Elaine. I, too, am on the Sunshine Coast, so that's a good address. I have several friends here who are from South Africa or Namibia, and they'll be pleased to know about it. Would also like to source Brisbane as have SA friends there also. As well, I'm a bit of a foodaholic - and belong to a foodies group here on the coast.
by Elaine (score: 3), 2428 days ago
Hi Pammy, thank you. Great insight from you, I wasn't sure where this article was going to be posted (still don't know where it is on the newsletter, I can't seem to find it). As I'm on the Sunshine Coast, would only have been able to link it to the one here, that I have previously written about. Here's a link for Sunshine Coast:-
But, perhaps a future article in the making: South African outlets?