10 Secrets to Losing Weight You've Never Heard Before

10 Secrets to Losing Weight You've Never Heard Before


Posted 2014-08-06 by Vividfollow
1. Watch The Sixth Sense
You are less inclined to be hungry when you're freaking out and feeling scared, so think about maxing out your Video Ezy membership privileges. Just remember though – no renting of Fahrenheit 911 or Mamma Mia! as you're more likely to pig out when you're angry or happy.

2. Do it Like a Koala
Sucking on a Eucalyptus cough drop can help curb cravings. Make sure the lozenge isn't full of sugar however, as that will increase your likelihood of continuing to snack.

3. I See RedScientists believe that if you eat off a red plate, you're inclined to eat less. Worth a shot. And if it doesn't work, you're left with a fetching new dinner set.

4. Chew Gum
Researchers say that chewing gum all day can raise your metabolic rate by 20 per cent. Sure, you may end up with a sore jaw and rue the day that "chewy apple" was ever invented as a flavour, but it could equate to 4.5kg less on the scales by the end of the year.

5. Ditch Your Handy Tools
All of them. It's time to throw the remote controls for your TV, garage door, stereo, air conditioner, spa bath, superhero costume...into the never-to-be-seen again depository. It will get your hiney moving.

6. Get a Lassie
Researchers have proved that people sitting in the same room as a dog, even doing something stressful like studying for exams, have lower stress levels and lower production of the stress hormone, cortisol. This is important because cortisol production, over time, can mess with your metabolic function. It can also mean you will comfort eat to escape the harrowing effects of stress. Also, dogs need to be walked every day – and you'll feel more inclined to exercise when Humphrey implores you with his sad brown eyes.

7. Take a Good, Hard Look at Yourself…
...in the mirror, while you eat. You'll eat between 20-30 per cent less. A spin on this – Gwyneth Paltrow is said to eat in the nude so she can be more conscious of the calories as they enter her body. A tad excessive, perhaps.

8.Clean Your Work Desk
If you have a desk like a pig sty, you're more likely to eat like one of its inhabitants. Keep it clean.

9. Get all Granny
Is your grandma skinny? Take more than a lesson out of her books, then. Occupy your hands with knitting or crocheting while you watch TV, and you're less likely to snack. Julia Roberts swears by this one.

10. Have a Doona Day
Get as much sleep as you can as it will help you shed excess pounds. And you'll snooze your way to a dreamy physique in no time.

88299 - 2023-06-11 07:51:11


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