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Russell Peters Australian Tour

Home > Perth > Shows | Comedy
by Eunice (subscribe)
I'm a city girl passionate about travelling, discovering new places and making the most out of my weekends.
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Laugh your socks off
Funny man Russell Peters is back with his popular Notorious Word Tour, sure to entertain and rock your socks off. The Notorious World Tour was a huge hit in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa and Canada since its March 2012 launch.

Russell Peters is one of the longest standing stand-up comedians out there who has garnered a huge following across the world due to his appeal across all cultures.

If you want to get a taste of Russell Peters. you'll find no shortage of his videos on Youtube. Once you've heard him, you'll surely want more.

This event has no age restrictions and is bound to be a sell-out.
The event dates and locations are:

Tue 5 Mar - Perth Arena
Thu 7 Mar - Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne
Mon 11 Mar - Brisbane Convention Centre
Fri 15 Mar - Allphones Arena, Sydney

All tickets can be purchased via Ticketek.
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Why? you'll be guaranteed to laugh your socks off
Where: Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney
Cost: $89.90-$129.90
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