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Writer Rank: 313
cub writer
Readers: 4473
Subscribers: 13
Articles: 23
Comments: 46
Rank Calculation:
4473 =
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
Awards - 14
At face value, places visited or travelled through can be taken for granted. Sometimes, it's not until after I return fr... [more]
I remember as a child on family holidays looking out the passenger window of our old Simca at groups of motorcycles over... [more]
A long time ago, a pair of courageous men, Hamilton Hume and William Hovell (or mad dogs and Englishmen) lead an expedit... [more]
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times… I know, it's been used before but it's a great opening line and I'... [more]
"Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.... [more]
The message was sent out – Going to Towrang Saturday Morning. Leaving my place at 9:15 am. The replies came:- It mig... [more]
Since lockdown was imposed mid-March, we have been at home dreaming of venturing out. First, it was baby steps going to ... [more]
A red dot in the hazy western sky descends to the horizon while the evening news shows fires on Sydney's rim. Thousands ... [more]
Sometimes we need to look to the past to find the future. Every family has a history that gives a glimpse as to why we d... [more]
When you mention the Southern Tablelands to most people, they usually respond with a yawn and tell you with some authori... [more]
Just over the hill heading west from Sydney is the little hamlet of Hartley. Once the judicial centre for the region... [more]
Mid-winter and the forecast in the Blue Mountains is a dusting of snow above 800 metres. I haven't seen snow in ... [more]
Agricultural centres grew on the backs of squatters and selectors, people came to the towns on the dreams of making... [more]
During times of adversity, human ingenuity comes to the fore; exploration for resources is undertaken and when found com... [more]