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Emma Ullah Profile

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City: Melbourne

Emma is a digital content editor and culture writer. Her specialisms are branding and events, theatre and film, music, food and travel.

She is NCTJ qualified and has worked for brand experience agency of the year 2017, Amplify, Stylist on Screen, the BBC and MSN.

From the UK, Emma now lives in Melbourne.

Emma self shoots her own photography, voices her own podcasts and scripts/ edits her own video to a news based standard.

In 2016, Emma became a co-finder of Minute Films, a short film review website dedicated to quality shorts by up and coming directors. Emma edits the site, writes reviews and video interviews directors for exclusive digital content.

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Writer Rank: 706
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Readers: 499
Subscribers: 3
Articles: 5
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 5
Exclusive social soirée that ditches the digital to help us better connect with each other face to face. Scroll ... [more]
Revitalise your morning - say no to mobile phones and yes to deep discussion, ancient martial arts and a scrumptious org... [more]
Vanessa Tran is a social media marketer at Pearson Australia, a learning company for primary, secondary, higher and ... [more]
Littered with satirical song and quick-witted humour, Rowan Thambar's 23 is an intelligent mockery of the millennial exi... [more]
From the producers of The Babadook, Cargo humanises the zombie cult classic, pulling at our heartstrings to deliver so... [more]