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Writer Rank: 264
cub writer
Readers: 8769
Subscribers: 11
Articles: 35
Comments: 9
Rank Calculation:
8769 =
[8769] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 12
This restaurant is a convenient five minute walk from Springvale Railway Station where multitudes of ethnic shops, mainl... [more]
Highside Cafe Restaurant is a three minute walk from Bayswater station and its location is superb. Mountain High Sho... [more]
Pinewood Shopping Centre harbours a gem of a cafe on Blackburn Road; South Society is a cafe, bar, and eatery dedicated ... [more]
In the stifling streets of residential Richmond is Japanese restaurant Minamishima, a haven for sushi and quality sa... [more]
Madame Night Shade's Poison Garden opening night was on the 21st September 2017 at the La Mama Theatre in Carlton and th... [more]
21/09/2017 - 01/10/2017
The Laneway Theatre is Melbourne's exclusive magic theatre venue with only a handful of seats available each show ni... [more]
Melbourne harbours many sushi stalls and shops, of which the most famous are the Sushi Sushi chains. However, hidden... [more]
Mt Village Coffee Lounge in Boronia specialises in sandwiches, pies, cakes, and desserts. It is located very conveni... [more]
Sitting amongst the row of shops on busy Burke road, Camberwell, is Shanghai Dumpling and Noodle restaurant. This es... [more]
Premiering at Perth's FringeWorld, this sold out show hit Melbourne in July due to popular demand and rightly so as Mave... [more]
11/07/2017 - 16/07/2017
This adaptation of The Wind in the Willows, a classic by Kenneth Grahame, features Shaka Cook as the only cast member. ... [more]
14/07/2017 - 15/07/2017
Mish Mash Cafe is located on Dorset Road in Boronia near the local train station and while unassuming at first glance, a... [more]