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Hayley Sayers Profile

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City: Adelaide

A proud Adeladian eating my way around town, among other things.

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Writer Rank: 129
cub writer
Readers: 7173
Subscribers: 2
Articles: 18
Comments: 32
Rank Calculation:
7173 =
[7173] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 5
Poké is the latest food craze of 2017, and no, it doesn't have anything to do with Pokémon as the name might hint. Poké ... [more]
Hidden under the GPO building lies a paradise for cheese and wine lovers. This intimate atmospheric space known as the G... [more]
La Provence is Adelaide's newest French restaurant located in the heart of the CBD on Pirie Street. It is the sister res... [more]
The Gully is a complete contemporary pub experience with its spacious and modern beer garden. It's a great place to enjo... [more]
Hachiko is an iconic statue located just outside of the bustling Shibuya station. The statue is both a tourist attractio... [more]