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Helen McDonald Profile

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City: Brisbane
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Writer Rank: 407
cub writer
Readers: 846
Subscribers: 1
Articles: 7
Comments: 1
Rank Calculation:
846 =
[846] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 7
There's a new way to get your creative juices simmering in Brisbane - cooking classes with Kitchen Confidence in Fortitu... [more]
We find ourselves in a curious place. We are inside of a room in a cemetery. It's an unconventional backdrop for a p... [more]
09/05/2018 - 19/05/2018
Monday evenings just got more interesting with the option to participate in the Brisbane World United Multi Language... [more]
This month, E.G. and Metro Arts are bringing the world-class play, Poison, to Brisbane. This is the first time produ... [more]
09/05/2018 - 19/05/2018
Do you want to do something rewarding, selfless, meaningful and impactful in your spare time? Every day people are in ne... [more]
Discover a new way to enjoy your Brisbane backyard by locking in a date to visit Discovery - Mixed Artist Exhibition... [more]
04/05/2018 - 30/05/2018
Dear Reader, are you the ambitious type? I mean, so ambitious that right now you are contemplating tackling your 2019 Ne... [more]