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Brian Sherlock Profile

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City: Melbourne

I live in the eastern suburbs and since I'm a writer here, it should suggest that I like doing things on the weekend. I'm most inclined to post movie reviews but I'm planning to include some variety. I also write the travel blog

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Writer Rank: 595
cub writer
Readers: 1108
Subscribers: 3
Articles: 8
Comments: 5
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1107 =
[1107] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 8
There's a place near mine in Croydon South (the shops opposite the Mall on Bayswater Rd; two doors up from the post offi... [more]
What a mad and lovely day. Without doubt Mad Max: Fury Road was going to seize my attention. A lover of the origi... [more]
Nothing but brilliance attached. In 2012 the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought together its greatest heroes for t... [more]
With the holidays comes a total lack of school and what not, and so it would come as a most dated surprise that many a p... [more]
It's the norm to unwind after a stint on the job, so having a feed can be one potential solution. That said, for sev... [more]
The queen will rise. When one thinks of writer/directors Lana and Andy Wachowski I can't help but remember sci-fi e... [more]
The age of vicious jetlag and 'people headaches' is now, so many of us find ourselves needing a good cuppa to unwind. ... [more]
'That Is Bonkers' Satisfying a more than obvious comic book fetish, director Matthew Vaughn (the Kick-Ass films, X-M... [more]