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Jocose Yahn Profile

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City: Adelaide

I live in the Adelaide Hills, I'm passionate about South Australia. I believe in the "Locavore" locate eater philosophy of low food miles and I enjoy beautiful locally grown SA food and wine whenever I can.

My favorite quote "The mind once stretched to accommodate a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions" Oliver Wendall Holmes Jr

My favorite story "Acres Of Diamonds". A man who left his farm for 10 years to search the world for diamonds, when he returned, his now grown up son was playing with shiny stones. "Where did you get those!", asked his incredulous father.

"These?", "Oh, our stream is full of them Dad".

As much as we might travel the world in search of our diamonds, most probably they are already at the bottom of our beautiful SA garden... if we care to look.

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Writer Rank: 107
cub writer
Readers: 10618
Subscribers: 2
Articles: 2
Comments: 9
Rank Calculation:
10618 =
[10618] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 2
The Village of Aldgate (named after an old gate in the London wall) is located in between Stirling, Heathfield, Bridgewa... [more]
We think we know a region ... and then, all of a sudden, an unknown gem suddenly reveals itself, right from under our ve... [more]