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BecSorby Profile

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City: Perth

I am a freelance writer living in Perth. I love getting out and about with my two little girls Olivia and Emma and after 20 years of my life in Perth I am still learning so much about the city. I am also chief editor of Perth Mums Group, and enjoy contributing stories about the trials and tribulations of motherhood.

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Writer Rank: 10
veteran writer
Readers: 220977
Subscribers: 40
Articles: 324
Comments: 66
Rank Calculation:
223153 =
[220973] +
[5 x 436] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 129
Even if you've never heard of Bedfordale, chances are that you have driven past it at some stage, especially if you've b... [more]
Cockburn is a coastal city with a name that probably makes you giggle and I'm forever telling people that it's pronounce... [more]
I love my children more than anything else in this world, and I love them just that teeny tiny bit more when I have had ... [more]
When you think of Perth, street art is not something that pops to mind. Melbourne, yes of course - with its incredible a... [more]
Over 100 years ago on the shores of Albany's Mount Clarence, Australian soldiers from throughout the country stood, awai... [more]
Bulk wholesaler Costco has finally come to Perth. After making umpteen visits to the Melbourne stores since 2013, I set ... [more]
Every now and again a playground comes along that is not just for the little kids, but for the big kids and the biggest ... [more]
Western Australia has a tumultuous relationship with the shark, but is the ocean's oldest predator a force to be feared,... [more]
06/07/2019 - 10/11/2019
The last time I set foot in Byford and Districts Country Club, it was just a little bit too busy for a quick feed with t... [more]
The city of Perth has a huge number of fantastic attractions. We have Kings Park and Botanic Garden, one of the world's ... [more]
Armadale is a sprawling city with historical ties to early settlement in Western Australia, plenty of natural bush to ex... [more]