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Melanie Shaw Profile

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City: Perth
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Writer Rank: 64
cub writer
Readers: 20862
Subscribers: 19
Articles: 16
Comments: 10
Rank Calculation:
20862 =
[20862] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 7
This October holidays we (along with half of Perth) hit the road in search of some warmer weather and a bit of relaxatio... [more]
Ok, so you think pub food and immediately images of fish and chips, chicken parmigiana and steak come to mind. Looking a... [more]
It's time to head out of the city. Time to slow down the pace of life. Time to relax and unwind. Time to head to Yalling... [more]
When I was young it was always exciting when we were told that we would be going into the city for the day during the sc... [more]
Western Australia is known for its amazing beaches. From Broome to Esperance we have thousands of kilometres of coastlin... [more]
Those of us lucky enough to live in Perth will have experienced the perfect winter day often enough - it's sunny, mild a... [more]
As soon as the warm weather hits many of our friends head off down south. There is always a scramble to try and secure a... [more]