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Nadia Wu Profile

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City: Melbourne

I'm a Melbourne-based writer and traveller with a passion for good food.

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Writer Rank: 280
cub writer
Readers: 7984
Subscribers: 10
Articles: 14
Comments: 6
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[10 x 0]
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My WeekendNotes - 14
It was a seamless meshing of two worlds: Monash Academy Orchestra and members of Monash University Big Band combined jaz... [more]
Melbourne's underground zine community is emerging in June to present Tonerpalooza 2014, a weekend-long festival devot... [more]
21/06/2014 - 22/06/2014
If you were after something sweet for a lazy weekend breakfast or brunch, look no further than the ricotta hotcakes at t... [more]
The Grain Store is, quite simply, that perfect CBD brunch spot. A homely mix between rustic and elegant, this café tempt... [more]
A tall, striking redheaded woman steps out onto the stage, wearing nothing but a silk robe. The darkened theatre stretch... [more]
It's not often you can adopt a cat whilst wearing a flapper dress. Well, now is your chance. The Lost Dogs' Home ... [more]
If you love nothing better than a good rummage through racks of vintage clothes and boxes of second-hand goodies, th... [more]
Ramen-lovers looking for their next noodle-fix should look no further than Little Ramen Bar. Located next door to ube... [more]
Hot-doggery! Melbourne has gone manic for hot dogs. Hot dogs with fancy schmancy toppings, that is. The simple sausa... [more]
Hola, chicos! ¿Como estas? If you're planning to visit Latin America, Spain, Mexico – or any other Spanish-speaki... [more]
Gym routine getting a bit old? Does the mere thought of going for a run bore you to tears? …Feeling a bit daring?... [more]
Although I still haven't managed to find pizzas as good as those in abundance along Naples' grungy city streets, the piz... [more]
If you love bashing away at a touchscreen, be it on your smartphone, tablet, kindle or otherwise, then look no further –... [more]
Not to be confused with the speakeasy of the same name in Melbourne's CBD (they are not in any way related), Eau De Vie... [more]