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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 487
cub writer
Readers: 2073
Subscribers: 5
Articles: 7
Comments: 3
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My WeekendNotes - 7
If you are after a relaxing get a away and don't really want to go too far, than Trawool is just the place to go. Situat... [more]
If you have boys then you would know all about skate parks, but have you been to the Shed? A skatepark with foam pit... [more]
The sun is shining, the sky is blue, it's the weekend and another perfect day in glorious Tasmania and what bett... [more]
I must admit I was a little apprehensive about visiting the renowned MONA - Museum of Old and New Art. I had heard a lot... [more]
Knox is leading the way with its state of the art brand new Basketball Stadium. The impressive building showcases bas... [more]
Waste not want not has always been my mother's motto, when it comes to thrifty money saving tips my mum is king.  He... [more]
From the Latin meaning, "Food of the Gods", is a gorgeous cafe in Knox Ozone that makes one of the nicest chilli hot cho... [more]