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Megan Smith-Poulton Profile

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City: Perth
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Writer Rank: 104
cub writer
Readers: 9544
Subscribers: 16
Articles: 20
Comments: 1
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My WeekendNotes - 20
You better watch out,You better not cry,Better not pout,I'm telling you why,Santa Claus is coming to town!And with him, ... [more]
Coconut pancakes were elegantly stacked on the plate, drizzled in salted caramel sauce, topped with hazelnuts, bananas, ... [more]
In total there are 1440 minutes a day. I realized today while cooking my morning breakfast just how long each one is,... [more]
Live local? Love local by coming down to Bayswater Primary's Spring Markets on Sunday the 12th.You'll find it's packe... [more]
Dragging my feet through the beautiful and busy streets of Perth, I was exhausted after a fun-filled afternoon and in se... [more]
For two long weeks (from 29 May to 12 June), Save the Children's Morley Op shop will practically be giving away their bo... [more]
29/05/2017 - 12/06/2017
Pigging out at Porkies, I found myself dragged into the typical world of an American diner. A pile of ribs stacked high,... [more]
Every teddy bear who's been good,is sure of a treat today.There's lots of marvelous things to eatAnd wonderful games to ... [more]
Imagine sitting in a beautiful park, the stars dancing happily above your head, illuminating a dark sky. The sweet sound... [more]
02/02/2017 - 13/04/2017
Imagine yourself surrounded with beautiful greenery, and a clear blue sky. Birds are chirping, your heart's racing, and ... [more]
Twenty minutes for lunch and you look forward to munch. Tick-tock, the clock won't stop! You need a quick meal, a cheap ... [more]
Every street, every store, and every door that fills the city of Perth is bursting with new and exhilarating cultures. I... [more]
Christmas Time has come and gone, amazing things happened both the bad and the good, people came and people left and as ... [more]
Are you an all casual gamer, looking for a quick and easy way to play many games all for the price of absolutely nothing... [more]
For a unique public transportation experience and a way to get out on the lovely Swan River why not take a ride on Perth... [more]
Looking for something fun and social? How about a Family Games Night. A night in with the family and a heap of... [more]
Looking for costumes, sweets, fruits and toys? Coventry Square Markets in Morley supply them all, under the same roof. ... [more]
Want to have some fun, relax with friends and family? Have a great time without high expenses? Try hosting a Amazing Mov... [more]
Around Perth there aren't many places that offer a large variety of rides and attractions, but there are a few that do. ... [more]
Jhana Grove is an excellent place to relax and get away from the busy city noise. The retreat provides food, accommodati... [more]