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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 307
cub writer
Readers: 6547
Subscribers: 16
Articles: 8
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My WeekendNotes - 8
On Saturday, September 24, hundreds of wildlife advocates will be gathering at Melbourne's Alexandra Gardens at 11am... [more]
Y Generation Against Poverty (YGAP) and its cohort of young and vibrant volunteers are gearing up for the 2011 annual ch... [more]
Last week I woke at an ungodly hour for a Sunday (8.30am) to partake in a fun run that Hurstbridge Primary school was ho... [more]
Pets Paradise must be congratulated on their aptitude in maintaining such a virtuous image. Doe- eyed kittens and playfu... [more]
As I walked into Thomastown 'Five Star Fitness' 24 hour gym, the pungent smell of sweat that seemed to blanket the room ... [more]
Much to my dismay, I have noticed that the line in my local bookstore has slowly dwindled over the last two years. This ... [more]
RSPCA offers a comprehensive volunteer program that caters to animals and people alike. It gives animal-lovers an opport... [more]
After a week of heavy indulgence on an assortment of chocolate and lollies, I decided to atone my sins by visiting the i... [more]