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Sam van Zweden Profile

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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 250
cub writer
Readers: 10039
Subscribers: 3
Articles: 7
Comments: 1
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 7
It's a bit of a walk, but the coffee makes it worth it. And if you're partial to a muffin, you'll need the hike to walk ... [more]
At a time when book stores are shutting down left, right and centre, it's hard to know where to go for decent books. A n... [more]
The algorithm for a successful bar or cafe in Melbourne seems to involve at least one of the following: 1) Is it hard to... [more]
I lead a very busy life, and I'm sure you do too. When I sit down to write, I do everything I can to make that time as p... [more]
Don't try to see the top of the steps from the bottom – all you'll do is hurt your neck, and you need to save your body ... [more]
Located on High Street, Kew, the Boroondara General Cemetery features some really strange and wonderful grave sites. Far... [more]
While not strictly "the weekend," Thursday night is the start of unwind-time for many uni students. As many of them ... [more]