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Pinto Bean Dessert Pie

Home > Sydney > Baking | Food and Wine | Fun Things To Do | Kids | Recipes | Vegetarian
by Manaswinee Meesawan (subscribe)
Living a Good Life.
[ADVERT]Like I told you in my previous article, Pinto Bean Burger Recipe, I had two pounds of pinto beans from La Canasta and I didn't want to see them end up as Puerto Rican rice and beans on my dinning table. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband's rice and beans, but it's nice to try something different.

Guess what? I found this Pinto Bean Pie recipe and I made two pies last Sunday. My husband was very impressed with the result.

This recipe is so easy and requires very few ingredients.

Unbaked 9-inch deep dish pie crust (if you like making your own pie crust, check out this easy pie crust recipe)
1 cup sugar (If you don't like it sweet, reduce the sugar to 1/2 cup)
1 cup brown sugar (I used light brown sugar I had in my pantry)
1 cup pinto beans, cooked and mashed
1/2 cup (melted) margarine (I used light margarine that I had in my fridge. It worked just fine. Butter heats more quickly so you may need to be on a look out when it gets in the oven)
2 egg yolks, beaten (for tips on how to separate the egg yolk click here)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1) Mix the ingredients together and pour into the unbaked pie crust.

2) Bake at 350 degrees for 50-55 minutes or until center of the pie is set.

That's it? Yes! That's it!

I wanted to make two pies so I doubled the ingredients. I kept one at home and I brought one in to my office for the 3pm coffee and tea.

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Why? To satisfy your sweet tooth
Cost: Next to nothing
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