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I lived in the Glenelg hostel when we came from England in October 1965 . As a nine year old it was great . So many kids to play with , it was like a big holiday camp . My older siblings and parents probably saw it much differently but as a young girl it was an adventure . And the beach was just over the road. Even the mass dining hall in my child's mind was like going on a camping trip . I have only good memories .
by sylvi (score: 2|297) 3417 days ago
by sylvi (score: 2), 3417 days ago
Are they , I think I need a walk down memory lane, I can't remember having many photos , and they would all be long gone by now . Such a shame . Next weekend I think I will have to go and look down there myself . Loved this article . Thanks .
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3417 days ago
Yes, it must have been so much better at Glenelg than Pennington with ready access to the beach.

Did you know that the hostel gates are still standing today?