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I lived with my parents and 5 brothers at the Finsbury Hostel from July 1954 but only for a number of weeks. We disembarked from the 'SS New Australia' at Melbourne and originally were to be sent to Bonegilla. At short notice, we were all sent by the Overland to Adelaide so became South Aussies instead of Vics! My father found a job in a country township with a house supplied. We were happier away from the hostel, made Aussie friends and enjoyed a warm Australian hospitality, friendships and furtherance of our own career aspirations. All good now; the 6 became 11 and their offspring's offspring have currently yielded almost 40 more South Aussies, now spread all over this great country - and still counting - 62 years after that first welcome.
by morny (score: 1|11) 2521 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 2521 days ago
What a fantastic story about a migration success, thanks for sharing it with us.