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we have a 4 year old who is very athletic and has been riding a bicycle since he's been 21/2 years old and he only begs for a motor bike. Which would be the safest option? I did purchase the razor but when it came I realized it was not really safe for his age.
by gita (score: 0|4) 4053 days ago
by Simone (score: 2), 4051 days ago
Hi Gita,

These days motorcycles can be fitted with training wheels. I have seen younger children using these before.
Weighing up all your options, you as the parent would best know your child's abilities, including judgement in an unrehearsed or sudden event.
Teaching children to ride safely is also paramount and speed can be limited on motorcycles to start with.
So really it is up to you as a parent to decide. Talking to a professional can help; just don't be talked into something you are not 100% happy with.
I find that Dad's or male figures in their life tend to take a few more risks and they may see differently about a child riding a motorcycle.
Sometimes these risks are worthy and character building.
It would just depend how great the risk ie. no jumping dirt mounds until they are ready.
Encourage your child, but help to remind them of the importance or simple tips for riding safely.
First things first though. Balance is necessary to ride a motorcycle and they should be off training wheels on a bike before they tackle the thought of a motorcycle.
Happy decision making and remember, enjoy life, we only have one!
If you have any more questions, or if you feel this does not answer your concerns, please let me know.