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Home > Melbourne > Comments > M.A.D.E - Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka
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There was no replica flag on display at the Art Gallery while the flag was being mended. I am a resident of Ballarat.
by Belinda Nolan-Price (score: 2|467) 3448 days ago
by Belinda Nolan-Price (score: 2), 3446 days ago
I must have went to the Gallery when there was no flag in place. Not sure where the flag will end up after the two year loan. We are lucky in Ballarat that us residents get into MADE for free to view the flag at any time. Personally I preferred the Eureka Centre when it gave an overview of the history of Eureka not just democracy.
by Ruth Henwood (score: 1), 3447 days ago
Hi Belinda, thanks for the comment. I rung the Ballarat Art Gallery today and they confirmed that infact a replica of the Eureka Flag was available for viewing whilst the original was being mended. Now that the original is at MADE there is no replica on offer at the Gallery. With regards Ruth