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Posted on The Jade Forum
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What a hero you are Dave; I've seen how you have continued to pledge support for Jade Monkey, with their dilemma of a location and now, how you court business at their new location.
Good on you. More people like you, should come to the party when they see a cause for passion. Good on you.

One of Adelaide's unsung supporters. Your articles are not only interesting, but always eminently extolling the virtues of living a good life in Adelaide. And although I have no time to write for WN anymore. I do keep an eye on it, and recommend the site to many, especially those I meet that are new to Adelaide. c&c
by curiouser&curiouser (score: 2|526) 3227 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3227 days ago
Thanks as always curiouser&curiouser :)
These guys went through hell through no fault of their own, so I'm happy to continue supporting them when I can. Nice to see you pop up out of "retirement"!