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They're such inspirations, they put so much fun and joy in my life ! The way they influenced my life is undescribable, they're so cool and i love their music. Whenever I am in a really good mude I just love to dance in a crazy way while listening to I Want. They are so amazing! I've always wanted to meet them, to hug them all and to say a personal 'Thank you' for brighten every single day of my life with their flawless songs and video-tour-diaries and tweets and all that stuff :) I've tried a couple of times, I entered a few contests and I'm still entering :) I sent a message to some radio stations here and I hope they reply! I've also sent a massive fanbook to the management last month and I still hope they'll have a look at it :) My parents think concert tickets are too expensive and the concerts are too far away that's why I'm not able to go there and a good reason to win a meet&greet :) I've been trying for a year now but I won't give up! Never give up guys, there is always a chance to win this! Just be patient and fight for your goal and I promise you guys, it'll happen <3 lots of love frm germany ~ nessy
by nessy (score: 0|2) 3803 days ago