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hi. I have an interest in healthy tips too, but I cringe when I see statements making it to print that have absolutely no basis in medical or scientific fact. I draw your attention to your sentence: 'Green tea is known to prolong your life as it has many jobs such as protecting your liver from alcohol, your lungs from smoking/second hand smoke, reduces high blood pressure and boosts your immune system to fight illnesses.'
by KMJamesWriter (score: 2|310) 3351 days ago
by Vanessa (score: 4), 3281 days ago
Hi Kate and Chole - I am ceasing this thread and will have it removed

It is fine to discuss topics on WEN, but please do not become personal.

Both of you are entitled to your opinion regarding this topic but comments which are deemed non-constructive, a personal attack, spam or abuse will not be tolerated on WEN.

I would appreciate your co-operation.

by Chloe Doyle (score: 3), 3281 days ago
I'm not personally 'claiming' these things and I don't appreciate the rude tone of your comment that I 'googled' this. Maybe you need to do more research and spend less time critiquing others just because they don't have your title. You don't know everything about science and the body.
by KMJamesWriter (score: 2), 3281 days ago
You cannot claim it can 'prolong life', protect liver, lungs, reduce BP, etc. There is NO reliable scientific research on humans that even suggests such things. Who has done this 'extensive research' you're talking about??? I am a biomedical scientist and would be keen to see this research. And I hope you don't think 'research' is looking up things on Google...
by Chloe Doyle (score: 3), 3284 days ago
There is extensive research done on green tea, and other components of this article. What works for some people may not for others, so it is not dangerous to tell people these things as you claimed.
by KMJamesWriter (score: 2), 3288 days ago
all I ask is that you take care when making claims that are in fact not true. Of course you can include such personal accounts as you have given me, especially that 'you found many websites praising green tea for its abilities to detox'. That's fine. However, your article ridiculous claims it can 'prolong life', protect liver, lungs, reduce BP, etc, which are completely false. When the average person 'does their research' they might read something like this and think it is true, when it isn't, and that is dangerous.
by Chloe Doyle (score: 3), 3288 days ago
Hi Kate, I understand where you are coming from. I know I also don't have any medical background but I have my individual self. I was a heavy smoker, terrible diet and weight problems. I did my research to an extent obviously and found every website praised green tea for its abilities in detox! This isn't a medical article just a healthy tip and inspiration for anyone wanting to feel better on a day to day basis.
Kind regards,