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How to Beat Monday Blues

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by Joy (subscribe)
“Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein
Published June 16th 2012

Monday is officially the most depressing day of the week and is the onset for an illness named Mondaytities. Symptoms of Mondaytitiies or Monday blues include depression, indifference towards life and work, sour mood, lack of appetite, drowsiness, lack of desire to engage in conversation, just to name a few. If these symptoms sound familiar then you may be suffering from Monday blues or Mondaytities. So what is the cure? How do we deal with this recurring illness?

I have listed ten full-proof ways of dealing with Monday blues.

1. Sleep early on Sunday – If you can, try and tuck into bed an hour early on Sunday night in order to get one hour extra sleep. When you wake up on Monday you will be more refreshed with one extra hour's sleep.

2. Shower and/or exercise – A cold shower in summer or a warm shower in winter can have magical effects on your sleepy body and pull you out of grogginess. You could choose to go for a run or hop on your treadmill to get the blood pumping in your body releasing the feel good hormone endorphin.

3. Treat yourself – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy, sumptuous breakfast not only provides the necessary fuel for your metabolism to get started but also makes you happy. Include your favourite food in your breakfast and your mind will be playing a lovely tune of happiness.

4. Have coffee – A good cup of coffee can do miracles in uplifting your mood. Other benefits include waking you up, providing you with the necessary caffeine and giving you a sugar boost. If coffee is not your thing then you could opt for a lovely cup of tea.

5. Wear bright colours – Wear your cheeriest colours or favourites clothes on a Monday. Bright colours can do wonders in brightening your mood! And most importantly looking good makes you feel good about everything, including Monday.

6. Listen to beautiful songs - Listening to happy songs can actually fill you with happiness. Set your FM radio channel to happy songs or choose happy tunes from your itunes library. You will be surprised at how positively a happy tune can impact on your mood.

7. Laugh and smile – Laughing and smiling releases the feel good hormone endorphin. Think of happy times or funny jokes or just try to see the humour side of everyday life, show those pearly whites and burst out into a hearty laughter! Not only will you feel good, you will also enhance your looks with a lovely smile.

8. Take short breaks – Starting to work after a relaxing weekend can be difficult and overwhelming. Try and take short breaks during the day to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your soul.

9. Plan something special for Monday night – Plan something special for Monday night. Plan a dinner with a friend, go for a movie or simply rent some DVDs. Having something to look forward to at the end of the day will add a spring to your pace and fill you with euphoria.

10. Plan a holiday – Plan a holiday. You can use your Monday lunch break to plan, organise and book a holiday! Having a holiday to look forward to will make Monday more bearable and could actually make it quite enjoyable.

Monday is just another day of the week. The way I see it, if Monday won't come how can a new weekend knock on the door. So make your Monday morning mantra "Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy!"

Have a happy Monday!
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