How to Recover From a Holiday

How to Recover From a Holiday


Posted 2013-05-11 by Lisa Morganfollow
I am sure I am not the only one who has said at one point or another - "I need a holiday to recover from my holiday!" Here are 10 suggestions for the best way to recover from your exhausting, fun-filled holiday.

#1 . Stay at home.
There is nothing quite like home when it comes to recuperating, so call in sick (if you're out of holiday time) and spend a couple of days recovering in the comfort of your home.

#2 . Book in at a hotel.
Sometimes home isn't best – especially when you forgot to tidy up before leaving on your holiday. Oops. Perhaps this is the time to fork out some extra cash to save your sanity. At least you don't have to clean up your mess at a hotel. The drawback to this
is, the mess will be there waiting for you when you do arrive home.

#3 . Get takeaway.
Forget cooking. Who wants to cook and wash up at the end of all the unpacking? Order pizza or Chinese and have at it.

#4 . Spend the day in bed.
While spending the day in bed can be fun for couples, you might be too tired after your holiday. The good thing about bed is it is a cosy place to snuggle up with a good book or a DVD on the laptop. It is also great for sleeping. At least this way you'll get some rest. There is also the energetic day in bed but you might need another day in bed to recover... and by this time your boss is probably going to wonder why you haven't turned up to work.

#5 . Have a movie marathon.
Head to the video shop or your favourite website and grab a bunch of movies. Don't forget the snacks either, you'll need them for your endless movie after movie marathon.

#6 . Get smashed.
Before you go off gasping in horror at the thought of illicit activities (or rubbing your hands in glee), there are plenty of ways to legally get trashed. You could always hit the bottle. A Rusty Nail with Glenfiddich and Drambuie, is known to make everything better. There are also herbs like motherwort, damiana and blue lotus – totally legit tokes. You could also spin around in circles until you are dizzy enough to fall over – it seems to work for little kids so why not us too? Just don't overdo it or you'll need another recovery period.

#7 . Send the kids to Nana's.
Seriously. If you have a parent you can fob the kids off on, then do it. You won't regret it, the peace and quiet in itself is enough to make it worth it. The lack of mess to clean up and extra mouths to feed are just bonuses.

#8 . Play Halo or Call of Duty.
There is nothing like relaxing to explosions, fire, bug splatter and limbs flying around a screen, while taking pleasure in your epicness. Need I say more?

#9 . Sit on the verandah.
If you've got a verandah, you'll understand the appeal of grabbing a bean bag or lounging on a couch out on the verandah. It is even better if you are surrounded by trees, roos and the occasional deranged possum – what more entertainment could you want? If you're lucky you'll get a gentle breeze (hopefully not a methane generated one), and a mate for idle conversation.

#10 . Zombie it up at work.
Ok so you couldn't convince your boss to give you a sick day to recover from your holiday. Bugger it. There is only one thing left to do, rock up to work tardily late with a can of V and a pair of sunnies. Put your feet up and play with your phone.

Better still, grab a snooze in the forklift when the boss is MIA (probably playing Angry Birds in the dunny). Resign yourself to the fact you'll probably be yelled at several times over the course of the day. At least you'll be feeling better tomorrow if you take it easy today.

89694 - 2023-06-11 08:11:21


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