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Host the Best Barbeque

Home > London > Hobbies | Party Ideas
Published March 2nd 2011

Hosting a barbeque is the great Australian pastime. Here are some tips to make sure your barbeque stands out from everyone else's.

Barbeque cooking

You can ensure a perfectly cooked piece of meat by preparing it properly before you begin. Follow these tips for a juicy main:

* Only use pieces of meat that are even in thickness. Wedge shaped meat will not cook evenly.

* Never, ever defrost your meat in the microwave.

* Season the meat with salt and pepper before you cook it and cover the meat with oil, not the barbeque.

* Pre heat the barbeque before you put the meat on. Test it first with a small piece of meat - if it doesn't sizzle, you will need to wait a little longer.

* A little bit of beer can add flavour to your meat but too much will make your meat tough.

Different types of barbeques

To really wow your friends, put the grill away and try something different.

If you're serving a large group of people, a spit roast is an easy and effective method of outdoor cooking. This way ensures that large joints of meat cook through evenly and it doesn't require the full attention of the chef. You can hire a spit roast and purchase your own joint of meat to prepare or you can pay someone to do the entire thing for you.

A hangi is a traditional Maori method of cooking. To build a hangi, you will need to dig a hole in the ground, layer it with rocks and set a fire on top. Leave the fire to burn for an hour or two, until the rocks underneath are glowing hot, then let it burn out. Meat and side dishes are now placed in heat proof containers and cooked on the rocks. This is a timely method but, when done correctly, results in tender, juicy meat.

Follow these tips to become the Barbeque King.
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Why? Dazzle everyone with your mad barbeque skills
When: Any time
Where: Your backyard
Cost: Depends on meat
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