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Host a Girls Night In

Home > Adelaide > Charity | Community Events | Fun Things To Do
by Bec Ninness (subscribe)
A Social Science grad with a never-ending appetite and lust for Sydney life. Community and Social Media Manager @ProjectFutures
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Feel like you haven't seen your girlfriends in a while? Are you in need of a decent catchup with your nearest and dearest? If this sounds like you then you're in need of a Girls Night In. Throughout September and October - or any time of year that suits you - you can host a Girls Night In and support the Cancer Council and help raise money for and awareness of women's cancers while enjoying some quality time with your girlfriends. Begun in 2004 the Girls Night In initiative has raised millions of dollars for cancer research, education and support, and you can get involved.

Girls Night In
Girls Night In

The possibilities are endless. You can gather all your friends around and don your comfiest outfits - hello trackpants my old friend - order some take away and watch some girly movies. Or you can get dressed up to the nines and invite your girlfriends around for a lovely dinner party. Don't want to stay in? Then take all your friends and go out and raise a bit of money that way. For more ideas about how to raise money take a look at the Girls Night In events page. And even if you can't host your own party you can attend a friend's or check out what events are happening near you, or even get your workplace involved.

According to the Cancer Council 46 women in Australia are diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer, so chances are most of us know someone or know of someone who has been touched by cancers affecting women. And this year they are hoping to raise $5,000,000 and every little bit counts. So get together with with your friends and help raise money and awareness by hosting, attending or supporting a Girls Night In.

If you're keen on hosting your own Girls Night In visit their website and register now to recieve your hosting pack and start fundraising today.
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Why? Get together with your friends and raise money for cancer research
When: Throughout September and October (or whenever you can!)
Where: Anywhere
Cost: However much you wish to donate
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