What's Growing In Your Garden

What's Growing In Your Garden


Posted 2013-09-17 by Rachael Taylorfollow

It's well and truly Spring now, and with the weather beginning to warm, most gardens are thriving. The grass is requiring more mowing than I would like, and mozzies are starting to come out and play. To compensate, the sunshine has meant I can get out in the yard in a t-shirt and shorts. My favourite plants are all doing well:budding, blossoming and generally brilliant.

Peonies and Delphiniums are re-sprouting from their winter dormancy and will be in full flower before too long. I'm about to plant sunflowers along my front fence, and I'm debating between violets and hellebores in a shaded area where not much else is thriving.

Bean and tomato seeds are being planted as we speak, and the early amongst us will have tips poking through the ground all ready. What else are you planting? Eggplants, capsicums, basil? Or are you going even more adventurous and trying melons and luffas? For more ideas, check out Gardening Australia's Plant Finder here .

I think my favourite part of Spring gardening is watching deciduous fruit trees come alive again. I know that soon the blossoms on my peach tree will lead to leaves, and that my bright green pomegranate will burst into bright red flower.

For those of you further north than I am in Melbourne, do you still notice a spring flush? Or do you become complacent with your tomatoes and basil pestos because they grow year round?

If you're an urbanite and you don't have much of a yard, what have you noticed in your local park or at your neighbours?

Whether you're a flower connoisseur and your roses are coming back after the winter, or you delight in growing edibles, I'd love to hear what you're planting right now, and what's taking off.

Gardening is such a joy, why not share it with others? Tell us what is doing the best in your garden right now, and what your favourite Spring plant is. Personally, I'd love to know.

89209 - 2023-06-11 08:04:44


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