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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Gloria Jean's Coffee, Robina Town Centre
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Hi Sarah,
I too, am a big fan of Gloria Jeans and hunt them out if I'm out & about & NEED my daily coffee fix. I myself find GJ coffee the only one strong enough to suit my taste buds without having to ask for another shot like all the other coffee chops I am forced to go toif I can't find GJ's. My local GJ's knows my likes and dislikes and unless there's a new staff member behind the counter, I just have to say the usual and they know what I want (large Cappacino on soy x2). I've lost count on how many cards I have (about 40-50 probably). I only use them when I have to.
Glad to see/hear that there are other GJ lovers out there besides me.
by steve (score: 2|134) 3899 days ago
by Sarah Says (score: 2), 3899 days ago
Hey, yes i love it there, in Robina especailly they are so friendly and always greet with a smile and as you say, usually have started to make my drink before i have got to the counter. :-D Sarah