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I am now retired, but I was a quality assurance auditor and quality assurance manager in the food industry. Can I help you.
by johnp6 (score: 0|4) 3615 days ago
by (score: 0), 3609 days ago
Wow! That's sort of job, I love to be in. I love cooking italian, indian and thai. Also study as Masterwine in London
by (score: 0), 3609 days ago
It must be for a food lover "critic"
by johnp6 (score: 0), 3615 days ago
I'm not looking for a paid job, at least not at this time. I'm just interested in having some input.

by glenop (score: 2), 3615 days ago
Hi John, Im not in the business only giving suggestions for anyone willing to try being a restaurant critic of sorts and get paid for it. As I say, payments are pretty small so its up to you to see if it suits you. Some assigments are better than others but there only one way to find out. Start with Personally Recommended. They have plenty of jobs apart from Oporto and Aussie wide and pay better than average.