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Home > Sydney > Outdoor | Adventure | Games
Published January 30th 2011

If you believe that the journey is more important than the destination, sign up for Geodashing. You will require a GPS receiver and a sense of adventure.

Geodashing in a competitive online game in which the entire world is your playing field. Players receive a list of random, computer generated locations, known as dashpoints, and are given a set time to visit as many of the points as possible.

You can sign up by visiting the Geodash website. Players may compete as an individual or in teams of up to five, which obviously increases your chances of winning. To find a team, send an e-mail to the Geodash mailing list to announce your interest.

Players must visit the dashpoint and report back to the website by filling out a Dashpoint Report. You will identify and describe the point in enough detail to prove that you were there; a photograph is not required, but is helpful. You must get within 100 metres of the dashpoint in order to score it. The first person to reach each location receives 3 points, the second player receives 2 points and each player after that receives 1 point. The team with the most points when the deadline arrives is the winner.

Geodashing is similar to geocaching, only there is no reward or 'cache' at the dashpoint. The point of the game is the experience of reaching the different locations. So if you enjoy a good road trip and have some spare time on your hands, why not give geodashing a go?
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