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Friends With Kids - Film Review

Home > Adelaide > Cinema | Movie Reviews
Published June 21st 2012
Friends with Kids
Friends with Kids

You all remember that saying - a boy and a girl can't just be friends. This movie explores this concept from start to finish.

From an audience point of view, Friends With Kids is a thought provoking comedy. It is better not to watch this movie with your "friend" with benefits. Maybe with a girlfriend. It is chick flick.

I suppose the director, Jennifer Westfeldt, tried to enlighten us through the movie that a couple's romance changes once kids come into the relationship (married, just dating or cohabiting). The union could move from pure passion to pure hatred and sex could be luxury they wouldn't experience anymore.

It features an ensemble cast consisting of a few actresses from recent Bridesmaids - Maya Rudolph and Kristen Wiig. The guy from Mad Men, Jon Hamm featured in the movie too. Megan Fox spiced it with her pretty face. I can't tell you everything but I think ladies will enjoy this one. I enjoyed it. Go and watch it.
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Why? A boy and a girl can't just be friends or can they?
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