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Home > Adelaide > Comments > 10 Tips to Free Fruit: Gleaning Ain't Stealing
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At home in the UK we call this foraging it is a fantasic way to get fresh food that is not being used.
by kate. (score: 0|9) 3993 days ago
by Julia Hebaiter (aka Julia Svoice) (score: 2), 3993 days ago
Thanks, Kate. It's always interesting to hear how terminology differs around the world. In Oz, foraging generally refers to plants sought out more at ground level. We grew up eating plenty of purslane, a wild 'weed' that's now very 'in' to forage for. It has the highest level of antioxidants than any other know plant and tastes great made up as a simple summer salad with a vinaigrette dressing. Of course a couple of home grown tomatoes and some ripped basil tossed in won't go astray either. Joules