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I ordered a book from Fishpond last year and it was incredibly slow to arrive - much longer than anything I've ever ordered via Amazon. I was really disappointed at the time. Maybe they've improved though? I guess I could give them another go - maybe I was just unlucky.
by Sue Williams (score: 2|847) 4223 days ago
by Michaelie Clark (score: 2), 4223 days ago
I guess it happens now and then with any of them, though I think Fishpond is usually a good bet because of their distribution centre and shipping policies.

Some things that would make it slow would be if it was from an individual seller (not from the Fishpond warehouse) and they didn't send immediately, if it was something that could only be sourced from overseas (which should have been in the listing), or if there was an issue with the post after it was dispatched. I've tried all the big online stores, bought many, many books, and have had delays at some stage with all of them.

That said, I don't know if things were different at Fishpond last year - maybe this is the new improved version :)