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What Are Your Favourite Healthy Kids Snacks?

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Writer's Answer:
by Sheree (subscribe)
Published September 14th 2011
Let's face it we all know what the kids are like when they get home from school; hungry, hungry, hungry. There are so many snacks on the market these days but what is a healthy snack the kids will actually like? What will keep the kids going until dinner time?

Watermelon Baller
Use this kid friendly watermelon baller for ice cold snacks

Depending on the season watermelon and rockmelon is a great snack for kids. You can eat it freshly cut into slices or use a watermelon baller and freeze the watermelon or rockmelon for a yummy ice cold snack. Why not include your kids in the preparation of healthy snack foods? Kids love to be involved, make it fun and they will want to help out in the kitchen. You never know, you could have a Junior Master Chef on your hands.

Vegetable dippers
Veggie sticks with avocado dip or hommus

The Fresh for Kids website has a variety of idea's you can make to keep your kid's appetite under wraps. Ideas include veggie sticks with hommus and low fat dips, avocado crackers or fruit and cheese snacks. They even provide parents with healthy lunch box ideas. For more details visit: Fresh for Kids

Fresh for Kids snack idea's
Fruit and cheese snacks

Unsalted potato chips and chick pea chips (all gluten free) are from my favourite food supplier, Freedom Foods. They have a range of snack foods, bars and biscuits that are a healthy choice for your kids. Check it out at Freedom Foods.

Potato Chips Freedom Foods
Healthy snack for kids

Eating healthy is definately a choice, and teaching your kids that they have the option to choose healthy nutritional foods at a young age is a valuable lesson. Not only will it benefit their bodies physically, it will also impact their emotional and mental ability to function in life.

A little sweet now and then is a treat and let's face it, chocolate tastes good, but it's really the sugar we love. Train a child in the way to go and when he is old he will not turn from it. If you would like to read more about the nutritional benefits of choosing healthy foods please visit Fresh for Kids.

If you would like to share your idea's about the healthy snack foods you feed your kids submit your idea's here so we can all share in the benefits of eating healthy together.
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Mandarins are a great healthy kids snack. They are easy for them to peel by themselves and their small size makes them less intimidating than a big apple or orange. My kids love the Imperial Mandarins because they don't have any seeds.
- Karen
By Karen - senior reviewer
Friday, 16th of September @ 05:28 am
peanut butter or cream cheese in celery sticks- never missed the spot when we were little.
By camer9 - reader
Thursday, 22nd of September @ 01:11 am
Soft boiled egg with veggie dipping sticks... for the littlies, frozen peas, straight out of the packet not hot.
By Victoria Button - senior reviewer
Friday, 23rd of September @ 06:27 am
I love how you put such healthy snacks in your article. So many kids foods are full of sugar, artificial flavours and colours. I hope people use these ideas, they’re wonderful. Great article, thanks very much.
By Maz Serena Rockers - senior reviewer
Wednesday, 2nd of November @ 01:25 pm

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