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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Do You Need to Leave a Tip in Australia?
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Nice, it's like an extended and new version of my article on the matter :) in a lot more detail I think, though!
by Maz Serena Rockers (score: 2|617) 4185 days ago
by Cathe (score: 0), 4181 days ago
Ohh Dear !!!
Let's see - the reptilian side of the brain reacts with the patronising "I did it first syndrome" = territoriality >:-)
Then the human brain says "Oops, I sound egotistical... better make amends" = embarrassment :"-)
by Maz Serena Rockers (score: 2), 4184 days ago
Haha oops I just realised what that comment of mine must have sounded like, i really like your article - it is extremely detailed and awesome!!
by Michaelie Clark (score: 2), 4185 days ago
I didn't think to check Sydney specifically! Have read it now - looks like you had a good discussion on Sydney etiquette!