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Wow, what a great story. Dental prices are way too expensive in Australia and insurance (for those fortunate to have it) returns a pittance. A friend spent 25K in Melbourne on having major dental work but the work wasn't satisfactory and she needed up needing to go elsewhere. She would have been better off going O/S. I learned the hard way that price is not necessarily a guarantee of quality dental work. It took me a long time and a lot of research to find a dentist that I could trust and who does consistently high quality restorations. The dentist I go to is also very focussed on saving teeth, a very important point.
by chrys (score: 2|116) 2886 days ago
by chrys (score: 2), 2884 days ago
Just to be clear, I believe there are good dentists in Australia but research is needed to find them. It also depends on what you are looking for. I need a dentist who will help me preserve my own teeth and is highly skilled at restoration work. That's why I chose a dentist skilled in Biomimetic dentistry. I have not been to any overseas dentists
by chrys (score: 2), 2885 days ago
I'm going to a dentist in Melbourne. His name is Ewan Jones
He is practices Biomimetic Dentistry, "a cutting-edge technique which preserves your natural teeth for the long-term and which is minimally invasive." His restoration work is truly amazing.
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 2885 days ago
Great comment. Really useful. Was the dentist you found in Australia or overseas?