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Christmas Gift Idea

Home > Sydney > Free | Misc
by Linda Dalziel (subscribe)
"The good things in life are family, friends,good food & wine,books you can't put down & as much travel as you can cram in."
Published November 23rd 2011
Lawn mowing gift voucher
Lawn mowing the easy way!

If your wallet is feeling the strain here's a simple, under-rated idea for Christmas presents. Give your time in the form of a no strings attached gift voucher. Not as lame as it sounds! If you start to think about what you can do for your nearest and dearest in the form of your time and skills, the list of ideas will start to grow. Let me get you started.

1. Housework - clean someone's home from top to bottom.
2. Lawn mowing & gardening.
3. Wash & detail their car.
4. Cook & waiter a dinner party in their home (will need 2 people).
5. Internet/email lessons (great for older relatives).
6. A day trip somewhere special (nephews & nieces)
7. Ironing - to the bottom of the pile.

The main thing is to really mean it and follow through on it at an agreed time.

I thought of this idea when I was slaving away ironing, my back aching and just wishing a fairy godmother would come along and do it for me. Like so many of us, I work full-time but I'm not really 'rich' enough to pay someone to do it for me.

Elderly folks and nephews and nieces would relish being spoilt for a day with attention and time.

Actually make up a gift voucher too, Google images is full of funny pics you can use.

Merry Christmas. Have a good one and a safe one.

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Why? A simple, under-rated idea for Christmas presents
When: Anytime you want to give a gift.
Cost: No cost.
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by Susan Jackson on 28/11/2011
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