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Chocolate Avocado Mousse Recipe

Home > Sydney > Recipes
Published October 13th 2011
It might sound a little avant-garde and you might be a little sceptical but you're going to have to humour me here. I know you don't see avocado in a dessert recipe often - but this is so easy and tastes so good; your tastebuds won't believe what they're sampling.

It looks and tastes like chocolate mousse as you might know it but your conscience will praise you for this version. This is one to impress your vegan or lactose intolerant friends with.

2 Avocados
1/2 cup Agave Syrup (substitute: Maple syrup)
1/2 cup Cacao powder (substitute: Cocoa powder)
1 TBS vanilla extract

The agave nectar and cacao powder can be found in most health food shops. If you're having trouble coming by some, or prefer to make it on a tighter budget, the substitutes can be used instead.

This is how easy it is.

1) Scoop out the avocado into a food processor (a blender works too) and throw in the rest of the ingredients. Blend the mixture until it's smooth throughout.

2) Let it cool in the fridge for an hour or so and then serve it up any way you want.

Devilish on its own, it works just as well served with strawberries or other fruit.

Lastly, tell all your friends how amazingly good it was.

This will make more than enough for 4 servings and you can double or half the recipe as you need.
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Why? Something different to make and taste.
When: Anytime
Where: At home
Cost: Around $20-$25
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