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Caesar Salad Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Food and Wine | Recipes
by Sara K (subscribe)
Adelaide local who loves her city
Published July 17th 2011
This delicious salad is the perfect side dish for any meal.

You will need:

A bunch each of bunch of Baby Spinach and Rocket lettuce
1/4 cup of olive oil
2 cups of fresh bread cubes
pinch of dry mustard, pinch of tarragon
1 teaspoon of worcestershire sauce
pinch of salt and pepper
2 garlic cloves, halved
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 boiled eggs, 3 minutes maximum

Step 1:
Wash lettuce and shred, place into a large bowl.
Heat oil, fry halved garlic cloves gently and add bread cubes. Continue to saute until the bread cubes are brown and crispy croutons. Drain on paper towel. Set aside.

Step 2:
To make the dressing, mix mustard, salt and pepper, and crushed garlic. Add worcestershire sauce, tarragon, lemon juice and olive oil. Make sure this is mixed together really well.

Step 3:
Roughly break up the boiled eggs and spread over salad. Toss lightly.

Step 4:
Add croutons, drizzle dressing over he top and serve.
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Why? Delicious salad
When: Anytime
Where: Home
Cost: Approximately $10.00
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